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Vh1 work to change the tone of black reality shows.

Am really psyched that the SF Chronicle has chosen to use my image(s) in this article about VH1's new show, "Basketball Wives". In the article they focus on the new positive spin they are trying to create in regards to black reality shows, unlike the parade of reality shows that have proceeded. I loved this story and am happy that VH1 is doing their part to clean up the views on the black community.

Basketball Wives on VH1

I was commissioned recently to shoot the episodic images of VH1's cast of "Basketball Wives". It was a lot of fun shooting these beautiful ladies. After spending 2 day with them I learned they are definitely full of love, sex appeal, life and mad drama. 
Shaunie O'Neal
Suzie Ketcham
Jennifer Williams
Gloria Govan
Royce Reed
Erikka Moxam
Evelyn Lozada

I am in love with the child photographer, Anna Palma.

I find her imagery of children to be a breath of fresh air. She has inspired me to try my hand at photographing more children this year. I will definitely start with my daughter for sure. Check out her work at

Below is are two images of my friends daughter Alexis. I shot this last fall and the loved it and it got me looking more closely at other kid photographers. Let's face it kids are just a lot more fun to work with.

R.I.P. Lee ALEXANDER McQueen 1969-2010

This week ALEXANDER McQueen, famed fashion designer was found dead apparently due to suicide in his London flat. This was less than two weeks after the death of his mother and a break up from his ex lover. His death has shocked the fashion community to its core. His peers and fans morns the loss of his creative genius. He not only made incredible clothing, but he made bold political statements with his shows each season. McQueen was never afraid to tackle any subject matter found in his tailoring techniques. He has been as to millions of fans as well as personal inspiration to me to shoot fashion. His passion, bravery and raw talents to create things that made the world stand up on ears will be missed for many generations to come. My heart and prays go out to the McQueen family and his love ones.

New BR-PR Miami ad in Ocean Drive magazine

This client wished to shoot a classy image depicting them all as an important part of the company. After discussing the concept, we decided that a 1950's Good Fellows theme suited them perfectly. However they did add a really nice modern spin on there looks. You can see the final result printed into Ocean Drive magazine January 2010 issue next to the masthead.